Society of St. Peter and Paul Seminary

Society of St. Peter and Paul Seminary

4th Sunday of Lent Year C


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Acts 13:14, 43-52;Psalm 100

Revelation 7:9, 14b-17 


John 10:27-30

 This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of the Easter Season, but we also call it "Good Shepherd" Sunday after the image of the Good Shepherd presented in our readings today. Typically we devote this particular Sunday to fervent prayers for Priestly and Religious Vocations and we should certainly do that today.

Witnessing to the faith will involve persecution of one sort or another (First Reading, Second Reading). But that is where our real joy lies: living as true disciples of Christ (Psalm). Even if the world does violence against us, we ultimately enjoy God´s protection (Gospel).

Christ´s Church was destined to take in the whole world. The Kingdom that sunk roots among the Israelites was destined to envelop all mankind. Christianity is not an exclusive religion, closed to certain classes or ethnic groups. It can penetrate, transform, and purify any culture. But some of the Jews did not expect this (First Reading). Conditioned, perhaps, as they were by a culture that fought its way into the promised land (see Judges), and accustomed to occasional exile among the alien peoples, they anticipated a Messiah who would expel the Romans and crush hostile enemies. The idea that the real Messiah would love everyone, including the Gentiles, boggled their minds. Certainly that idea thrilled the Gentiles. Indeed, many "from every nation" (Second Reading) would persevere in their faith in Christ.

The Church´s worst enemies can be its own members. Out of ignorance or malice the professed followers of God can harbor jealousy (First Reading) and actually impede others from entering ("You traverse sea and land to make one convert, and when that happens you make him a child of Gehenna twice as much as yourselves" - Matthew 23:15). Such ignorance, or malice, might be born of a personal prejudice about the way we expect God to behave. Mercilessness in the name of justice wasn´t unknown in the Gospel - witness James and John´s question when the Samaritan village refused to welcome Jesus: "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?" (Luke 9:54). Peter himself wasn´t above this. "Peter wanted as Messiah a ´divine man,´ who fulfilled people´s expectations, imposing his force upon everyone" (Benedict XVI, General Audience Address, May 17, 2006).

Faithfulness to God means living at his pace. Patient endurance in the day-to-day trials pleases God. Such patience will be rewarded at the Judgment when he wipes away every tear (Second Reading).

What gives us assurance, as best can be achieved in this world, is the faithful listening to the voice of Christ, the Good Shepherd. This listening doesn´t remain passive; it moves us to follow Jesus in concrete ways (Gospel). What was the cause behind Israel´s endless cycle of exile and trouble? Its people didn´t listen to God. In our day, discerning the voice of Christ requires attentiveness to what the Pope, and bishops in communion with him, teach. Therein lays our assurance that the Father watches over us.

The Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men (CCC 849). The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which should be used regularly, is an indispensable resource for helping adults become stronger in their relationship with God, and to grow in their knowledge of the faith.

 Recognizing that Christ´s redemption aims to save all humanity, and that all people are our brothers, how do we welcome people of other cultures? Do we see them as intruders in the parish? In our country? "I was … a stranger and you welcomed me," Jesus says in Matthew 25:35.

A Catholic who neglects ongoing formation remains a weak believer. We would shy from a middle-aged physician who hasn´t read a professional journal since medical school. Why would an adult Catholic be content with CCD-level catechesis? To fill the gap in formation, a personal reading program can help. A year spent reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or the Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church, could restore our grip of the major tenets of the faith. Solid Catholic publications can update us on current topics such as bioethics and applications of the Church´s social teaching.

Frustration with the world´s problems should not paralyze us. We might wish that God simply fixed the mess around us. But he usually prefers to work through human efforts. Before Jesus fed the 5,000, he waited for someone to offer him five barley loaves and two fish (cf. John 6:9ff). Likewise he waits for us to offer something. Far be it from Christians to bemoan the state of the world _ and to do little else. Christ needs our hands in order to do his work; he needs our speech to bring his words of comfort; he needs our legs to carry his Gospel message abroad. There is a good rule to live by, which states: for every one problem we see, we should think of three solutions. How different the world would be if every Christian did that. St. Luke tells us in the Acts of the Apostles that as St. Paul and St. Barnabas spoke to the people and "urged them to remain faithful to the grace of God", some in the crowds "were filled with jealousy and with violent abuse contradicted" what they said. But, "both Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly" and "the word of the Lord continued to spread through the whole region." In fact, "the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit." These great shepherds of the early Church, out of love for their flock made up of Jews and Gentiles, called them to faithfulness. Those who heard their voice and believed "were delighted" because they heard in Paul and Barnabas the voice of Jesus Christ. What set Paul and Barnabas apart from other shepherds, from other voices calling for the attention of the people? It was their willingness to truly love their flock. And true love always involves some degree of sacrifice, even suffering.

When a husband cares for his dying wife, this may not always bring the most pleasant feelings, but he does this because he loves her. When a son cares for his ailing father, this brings difficulty and disruption, but he does this because he loves him. When parents sacrifice their own goals, or wants, or needs in order to provide for their children, this can bring difficulties and disappointment, but they do this because they love them. Similarly, we can recognize a true shepherd by his love for his sheep.

    In our world today, there are many figures, things, and powers competing to be our shepherds, to lead us in the way they think we should go. Politicians try to lead us to toward or away from this or that cause. Universities try to lead us toward this or that philosophy. The media tries to lead us toward this or that set of values they think we should embrace or disregard. There are so many influences in our lives. To whom shall we go? How can we tell the good voices from the bad? Who are the good shepherds?

    True shepherds are those who lead their flock with self-sacrificial love. When the wolves come among them, does the shepherd run away, afraid for his own welfare, neglecting that of his sheep? Or does he stay, throwing himself among them, standing guard and confronting the wolves in order to protect the sheep? This can be a test for anything or anyone trying to shepherd your life. What does that shepherd do when you are really in danger, a danger that could envelope the shepherd too?

The story of the good shepherd that we hear from Scripture, about the shepherd who had one hundred sheep but was willing to leave 99 of them in order to find the one that is lost, teaches us a valuable lesson. All of humanity was the lost sheep lost in the desert, lost in our sins and distant from God. But before we could be lost forever, Jesus our Good Shepherd left the glory of heaven, so to speak, left the 99 and came among us to reclaim us as his own, to take our lot upon his shoulders and carry us home. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish." Through all the voices crying out to lead us, can we hear and recognize the voice of Jesus?

    When it comes to the Catholic Church, where we find His Voice, some of the shepherds have misused their position among the flock and have hurt them. Let us be careful though not to confuse the misleading voice of a few "wolves in sheep's clothing" for the larger Good voice of the whole.

Today we must show to the those inside and outside of the Church that the Church is still Good, that Jesus Christ is her Head and Shepherd and through the Church continues and expands his ministry of healing and forgiveness to all of mankind for all generations… That the Church is still True, it still loves, still brings the satisfaction of every deepest human longing. That through the sacraments of the Church we may still partake of the very Divine Life of God and are sustained by his own Precious Body and Blood. That the Church still suffers with us, prays with us, rejoices with us, worships with us, lives with us and is with us when we die, "wiping away every tear from our eyes." To do my own part in restoring this voice where it has fallen short. To do my own part in assisting Jesus in saving the lost sheep and calling them home.

"My dear friends, at this moment I can only say: pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love His flock more and more, in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves. Let us pray for one another, that the Lord will carry us and that we will learn to carry one another."

Together, we can cooperate with the Good Shepherd to help move the Church forward in truth, honesty, and virtue. Together, we can remain strong so the one lost sheep might find a faithful fold in which to be refreshed and restored in times of despair. Together, we can work and pray for peace and unity that can only come from Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd.

By Bishop Kasomo Daniel The Prelate of The Society of St.Peter and Paul.