The Archdiocese is headed by His Grace Most Rev. Archbishop Kasomo Daniel whose offices will be in Machakos town. Latin rite: The Bishop of the Diocese of Charismatic Church of Christ International (DCCI) is a Roman Catholic Bishop. This is because he was ordained by Archbishop Emanuel Milingo to episcopate, Bishop Urbanus J.Kioko ordained him to Priesthood and Archbishop Raphael S. Ndingi ordained him to deaconate. This means even the priests ordained by Bishop Kasomo are Roman Catholic Priests with Apostolic succession from Pope Paul VI. Pope Paul VI consecrated Bishop Emmanuel Milingo to episcopate in Kampala in 1969.This means we are A Roman Catholic jurisdiction awaiting canonical recognition. Our sacraments are valid like Roman Catholic Sacraments. We are Catholics in every aspect and our priests have an option to marry or remain celibate, our brothers and Sisters never marry but remain celibate till death.
Those who are invited to concelebrate our Catholic mass are Roman Catholic priests and Eastern Catholics and Orthodox. We use Latin Rite in our liturgy. We are Charismatic.
The first responsibility of the Bishop is to carry out on the mission of Christ as an apostle, exercising the three-fold office of Christ of sanctifying, Teaching and Governing. (Canon 375)
The Bishop is the successor of the apostles and is responsible as the head of particular church of shepherding the people of God towards the Kingdom of God. This takes the most part of His daily Ministry. Exercising his governing office, he counts on several organs, which collaborate with Him, in what refers to general administration of the Diocese.